What is a person to do when they make a recipe and realize they ended up with way way too much leftover icing? My usual go-to method in this situation is to put it in my coffee for a week or so until it’s used up (makes for some surprisingly delicious and strange flavour combinations, […]
Archive: Jun 2017

My Name Is Bon(bon), James Bon(bon)
June 25 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy, Icing

Call Me Cherry Jelly, ‘Cause I’m On The Lam(ington)!
June 20 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Cake, Candy, Icing, Other Desserts
So I came across the idea for these from one of the random cooking / baking shows that I’m obsessed with (do I remember which one? Of course not š I have a sneaking suspicion that it was from the couple of episodes of “The Great Australian Bake Off” that I watched after my sadness […]

I’m Not Pie-ing, We’re Officially A Nut House
June 11 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Pie
Birthdays!!! Mother’s Day!!! So many things to celebrate all at once. And though this may seem like a repeat from my post of the peanut butter ball mini cakeĀ from a couple of weeks ago, what better way to celebrate then overdosing on peanutty-goodness? It was Kevin’s birthday recently, and this year it was decided that […]

Obligatory Unicorn Trend Post *Le Sigh*
June 04 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies, Icing
This is a trend that I’m so irked about that it doesn’t even deserve a pun. THAT’S how bad it is!!! Ā ….OK, who am I kidding, I love puns too much, so I’ll still give it a go. How about “Who Peed In Your (Uni)Corn Flakes?”? No? Not a fan? Well now you know how […]
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