No, not Ritz crackers (although I suppose crackers could be used with the sweet dip that I made to go along with these cookies). Think of “Ritz” in this situation as more referencing highfalutin and fancy (what? You don’t think that mini chocolate chip pudding cookies served with sprinkle laden unicorn dip isn’t fancy? That they wouldn’t […]
Archive: Jul 2018

Puddin’ on the Ritz
July 15 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies, Icing, Other Desserts, Pudding/ Mousse

Aliens or Ghosts? Cigar-ney Weaver Can-noli Guess
July 08 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy, Cookies, Icing, Other Desserts, Pudding/ Mousse
I think I have Ghostbusters on the brain because Kevin and I recently went to the Rec Room in downtown Toronto and did their fully immersive VR Ghostbuster experience thing (It’s a little pricey, but super cool and totally worth doing at least once. You get to shoot at the Marshmallow Man – at which […]

That’s A S’More-é
July 02 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy, Cookies
C’mon, don’t roll your eyes at me – you know you loved that one 😉 . Just because you’re jealous that you didn’t think of that pun first is no reason to go all hater-y on me and pretend you’re too good to laugh at my nonsense. Anywho, not sure if you’re sensing a theme […]
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