Baking M’Oreo Of These Would Make Me A Mint

April 30 , 2017 by: Amber Trudeau Bars, Candy, Icing

Truly terrible pun, meet blog post. Now I know you’re new here and think just any ol’ pun’ll do, but we at sweetultimatums have standards….sort of 😉 . Nah, I’m just messing with you, the more terrible the better, we embrace all bad humour. It’s only those professional, high quality joke-sters and pun-sters that we pooh-pooh here. If a pie has not been thrown in your face at least once because of your how truly terrible your puns are, then you are clearly way too much of a professional to be hangin’ out here. If you’re above a five on the laugh-o-meter (scale being 0-100 of course), then I must insist that you leave immediately.

Alright, now where were we? Oh right, delicious delicious minty Oreo cups. These are practically healthy too (well…relatively speaking. They have at least some nutritional value at least. Who doesn’t love when that accidentally happens in a dessert?). What does one do when one has some leftover Oreo’s to use up? And also (spoiler alert – I actually made these back around St. Paddy’s day), one wants to incorporate mint for the seasonal-ness that was March 17th? But just chocolate mint? Who hasn’t been there, done that? No, no Amber, these need something more. Also, all good things come in threes (oh wait…that’s supposed to be bad things isn’t it? Ummm…in that case, I’ll make these four layers 😉 ), so a triple (or quadruple) layer cup seems like just the ticket…to delicious town!!!

A base layer of mint-infused coconut butter mixed with some crushed Oreos, a mid layer of mocha flavoured cashew butter, a top layer of chocolate mint, finally topped off with more crushed Oreos (sure it was just to use up the last few in my cupboard, but I’ll instead pretend it was for extra presentation and, as I said, four layers is maybe luckier than 3? Whatever, M’Oreos – there’s a reason why that just rolls so smoothly off the tongue. You really can’t have too many.)

Revisiting these photos is making me incredibly nostalgic, luckily we are now a mere whisper away from it being another “M” month, so making these for the “Merry (Minty) Month of May” may be just the refresher I can get behind leading into summer (it’s practically here!!! And fair warning, if you disagree with me on that, I most definitely don’t want to hear it and I can’t promise that you will not now be dead to me 😉 – and that’s a statement you can take to the bank! (or the Canadian Mint? 😉 ))

Mint Mocha Oreos Cups

Yield: 2 dozen cups


  • ¼ cup melted coconut butter (you can either purchase this, or make your own by blending unsweetened shredded coconut in a food processor for 10-20 minutes until smooth).
  • ¼ teaspoon mint extract
  • 5-6 Crushed/ chopped Oreos
  • 1 tablespoon Crème de Cacao
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon coffee extract (optional – do this if you want a more amped up coffee flavour)
  • 1/3 cup cashew butter (or nut butter of choice, whatever you have would probably be good)
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 2 pinches of coarse sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons chopped chocolate
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1/4 cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon Crème de Cacao
  • ¼ teaspoon mint extract
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1-2 chopped Oreos (the cookie part only for this one)


  1. Line a mini muffin tin with 24 mini muffin liners.
  2. Melt coconut butter and stir in mint extract. Place a teaspoon in the bottom of each cup. Top with crushed Oreos. Place tray in freezer.
  3. Place the Crème de Cacao and the coconut oil in a small bowl and microwave for 30-45 seconds (until coconut oil is completely melted and it’s fairly warm, not quite boiling though). Stir in instant coffee powder until fully dissolved. Stir in the coffee extract (if using), cashew butter, maple syrup, and sea salt.
  4. Remove tray from the freezer and divide mocha cashew butter mixture between the cups. Return tray to freezer.
  5. Place chopped chocolate in a small bowl. Melt coconut oil in the microwave and pour over chopped chocolate. Allow to sit for a minute, and then whisk together until chocolate is melted. Add in sifted cocoa powder and whisk to combine. Stir in maple syrup, Crème de Cacao, mint extract and sea salt.
  6. Remove tray from the freezer and divide chocolate coconut oil mixture between the cups and sprinkle chopped Oreos on top. Return tray to freezer for 30-60 minutes..
  7. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.


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About Amber

Amber Profile

Hi, I'm Amber Trudeau.  I bake.... a lot.

I'm also vegan, and found that whenever I went out to a restaurant my dessert choices were limited to sorbet, sorbet, and sorbet.  So I started making my own desserts. I wanted them to taste good though - so my ultimatum was to make delicious desserts that also happen to be dairy-free and egg-free. Every week or so, I challenge myself to try something new.  To recreate some kind of traditional dessert that tastes amazing without using animal products.

Have a challenge for me? Send me a note:


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