Baklava brownies!!!! For those times when you can’t decide if you want crispy and nutty or rich and fudgy. Now you could just eat both things, or stack them one on top of each other after purchasing from various bakery locations. Or, if you’re some kind of crazy billionaire and also want to be super over-the-top, […]
Category Archive: Bars

I’ll Be Bak(lava)
September 29 , 2019 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Brownies, Candy, Other Desserts

Can’t Eat My, Can’t Eat My Poke(r Face) Cupcakes
June 09 , 2019 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Brownies, Cake, Candy, Cookies, Cupcakes, Icing, Other Desserts, Pudding/ Mousse
What is a poke cake you ask? No, what you are thinking is 100% untrue, it is not in fact a cake created by children who simply stick their fingers into it. What kind of backroom chop shop do you think I’m running over here? Not that that would stop me from eating it of […]

The Handmaid’s (Cock)Tail: All Hail Caesar!
October 07 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Cookies
It’s been a little while, but here I am, comin’ at you with another THEMED MONTH!!! In case it’s not blatantly obvious, this one is cookies inspired by beloved cocktails. I figured I would start with the “craziest” sounding idea, and make some Caesar (aka Bloody Mary since I’m obviously not using Clamato juice here) […]

A Nutter(Butter) Peanut Butter Post? That’s Bananas!!
June 17 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Cookies, Icing
Clearly I’ve just given up with trying to come up with puns for anything peanut butter related. That title is just sad. Sad like a little kid who just dropped their entire ice cream cone before they even got to take one bite. Or sad like the fact that I don’t have a Goldendoodle as […]

Bak(lava) In My Day…
May 27 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Candy, Cookies
Let’s start our day with a jolt of adrenaline shall we? If these are filled with sugar, straight up (homemade) chocolate covered coffee beans and protein-packed hazelnuts and pistachios, I think it’s totally fair to call these energy bars. Right? RIGHT???!!! (Is it just me, or does it seem like there’s an earthquake happening right now? […]

The Unsinkable Molly Brown(ie)
May 06 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Brownies, Cake, Candy, Cookies, Cupcakes, Other Desserts
…No, not that kind of Molly, sorry folks (although come July, who knows? 😉 ) . Alright, I know I’ve been absent for a while, and trust me when I say that it tore me up inside to take an entire month off from blogging, but life circumstances beyond my control made it impossible for […]

You’re a Sight For S’More Eyes
March 18 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Candy, Cookies, Other Desserts
…or, for those more musically inclined, we have the alternate puny title of “♪ How Do You Like Me? How Do You Like Me? S’More, S’More, S’More ♪” I mean…S’Mores. Need I say s’more here? I don’t know about you guys, but I am full-on ready to embrace the end of the horrible season […]

These were not in any way what I had originally intended to make. I was weirdly thinking about bananas, so that part still came to fruitition (get it? FRUITition? Waka wakka waka. You know you love it 😉 ), but I was actually initially intending some kind of banana bread-esque thing with icing. But then […]

The Puns Are Condiment(ary): Catch-Up Me If You Can
February 04 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Cake, Other Desserts, Pie
THEMED MONTH!!!! I’m super excited about it because there is just so so much potential for disaster here. What can I say? I just love livin’ on the edge like that (which then reminded of that Aerosmith song. I ❤ the teenage nostalgia of that tune). To get you in the mood for this month, I […]
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