Tag Archive: syrup

I haven’t posted in forever, so you’d think after a zillion years to come up with something, my first post back would be something epic! And complicated! And crazy! And so over-the-top that even a Big Top Circus tent couldn’t contain it! You would be wrong, just oh so wrong. But let’s be real people, […]

Another recipe that was actually made a million years ago that I just never posted! Aren’t you excited??!! (why do I share this information with you? I should just be pretending that I made this mere moments ago and I’m so on the ball that I immediately had to post and share about it. This […]

Yes I know, it’s been forever (I’m sure I’m the only one who’s noticed and that you’re now thinking to yourself “Has it? Hmmm…I suppose now that I think about it, there has been a bit less nonsense than usual in my life”). Basically, I’ve just given up on this once a week thing that I did […]

Baklava brownies!!!! For those times when you can’t decide if you want crispy and nutty or rich and fudgy. Now you could just eat both things, or stack them one on top of each other after purchasing from various bakery locations. Or, if you’re some kind of crazy billionaire and also want to be super over-the-top, […]

…is surprisingly the Sangria infused madeleine cookie. Shocking I know. But you combine a little Spanish flair with a little French sophistication and you are now fully within your rights to call yourself classy and worldly. Am I right? (Don’t answer that, I’m right 😉 ). It’s funny because, although whenever I’ve had Sangria I’ve […]

Summer!!!!!!!!!!! That is possibly my favourite word. Conjuring up images of warmth and holidays…and ice cream! You know the big problem with ice cream though? It just gets a little too melty a little too fast. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “sticky fingers” (although now maybe you could “legitimately” “accidentally” rob people  […]

Let’s start our day with a jolt of adrenaline shall we? If these are filled with sugar, straight up (homemade) chocolate covered coffee beans and protein-packed hazelnuts and pistachios, I think it’s totally fair to call these energy bars. Right? RIGHT???!!! (Is it just me, or does it seem like there’s an earthquake happening right now? […]

Ok, so being the big liar that I am, I’m opting to do a “real” (aka what I’d actually intended to post last week) New Year’s post. It’s a week late technically, but if you really think about, today is actually my first post of 2018 so it’s really my first post of the New Year, so […]

Because this will definitely make you feel like you’re in heaven/aka on a fluffy cloud of deliciousness in the sky. I don’t know what I’m saying, but the real point here is, despite the fact that this cake technically started off as a bit of a disaster for me (a bit more on that later since […]

About Amber

Amber Profile

Hi, I'm Amber Trudeau.  I bake.... a lot.

I'm also vegan, and found that whenever I went out to a restaurant my dessert choices were limited to sorbet, sorbet, and sorbet.  So I started making my own desserts. I wanted them to taste good though - so my ultimatum was to make delicious desserts that also happen to be dairy-free and egg-free. Every week or so, I challenge myself to try something new.  To recreate some kind of traditional dessert that tastes amazing without using animal products.

Have a challenge for me? Send me a note:


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