I haven’t posted in forever, so you’d think after a zillion years to come up with something, my first post back would be something epic! And complicated! And crazy! And so over-the-top that even a Big Top Circus tent couldn’t contain it! You would be wrong, just oh so wrong. But let’s be real people, […]

Not a Fan of Dry Humour? This Water Pie is for You
January 29 , 2023 by Amber Trudeau - in Pie

It’s about Floren-tine You Posted Again
April 25 , 2022 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy, Cookies
This post has been languishing here completely unposted for like a year and a half. Seeing it now though, I’m definitely having a hankering for Florentines. Rum soaked fruit? Nuts? Coconut, Caramelized goodness? Chocolate in all the ways? Yes please. Luckily I was smart enough to have written out the recipe before apparently running away […]

It’s About Valentine You Posted Again
January 31 , 2021 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies, Icing, Uncategorized
Another recipe that was actually made a million years ago that I just never posted! Aren’t you excited??!! (why do I share this information with you? I should just be pretending that I made this mere moments ago and I’m so on the ball that I immediately had to post and share about it. This […]

A Cinnamon Toast to a Butter 2021
January 01 , 2021 by Amber Trudeau - in Cake, Cupcakes, Other Desserts
I can’t even tell you how long ago I even made these cupcakes (I believe it was possibly as long ago as 2019 since I obviously haven’t posted here in a million, billion years), but they were memorable . Deliciously, deliciously memorable. So much so, that I clearly had no time to actually write about […]

Mamma Didn’t Raisin No Fool
March 14 , 2020 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy, Pie
Pi Day!!!! (well, to me, everyday should be pie day, but PIE-nally, it’s REAL pie day 😉 ). At the end of a long week (or even the start of one. Some weeks, Garfield really knew what he was talking about. Also, possibly your desire for murder may have even increased if any one said […]

I’m Gonna Lay(er Cake) Me Down on a Bed of Peanut Butter
February 17 , 2020 by Amber Trudeau - in Cake, Candy, Icing
Because roses are so cliché 😉 Out of control? What out of control? Having eighty thousand components to a dessert is what you always do too right? Of course you do. I actually felt a little guilty about this one. Kevin was super thankful for it and kept saying how guilty he felt that I’d gone […]

If You Care(amel), Don’t Censorchip My Brownies
January 19 , 2020 by Amber Trudeau - in Brownies, Cupcakes, Icing
Yes I know, it’s been forever (I’m sure I’m the only one who’s noticed and that you’re now thinking to yourself “Has it? Hmmm…I suppose now that I think about it, there has been a bit less nonsense than usual in my life”). Basically, I’ve just given up on this once a week thing that I did […]

I’ll Be Bak(lava)
September 29 , 2019 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Brownies, Candy, Other Desserts
Baklava brownies!!!! For those times when you can’t decide if you want crispy and nutty or rich and fudgy. Now you could just eat both things, or stack them one on top of each other after purchasing from various bakery locations. Or, if you’re some kind of crazy billionaire and also want to be super over-the-top, […]

Mousse-t You Always Fudge It Up? Yes, I Mousse Everything Up
September 08 , 2019 by Amber Trudeau - in Other Desserts, Pie, Pudding/ Mousse
Including showing any consistency in writing this blog. I have an actual excuse this time though for taking so long to write another post. I’ve been diagnosed with a pretty serious condition (that I just made up right now) known as slothful unindustriousness. In layman’s terms, that means I’m lazy 😉 (apparently perfectly motivated enough […]
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