WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Ok, now that that I’ve got your attention, I need to caveat that, despite the name of this blog, these cookies are actually not really very sweet (except for the jam part of course 🙂 ). To be honest, that’s what I personally quite like about them. They’re really more like a […]
Archive: Jun 2015

Apricot Thumbprint Cookies are My Jam
June 28 , 2015 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Madeleines World
June 21 , 2015 by Amber Trudeau - in Cake, Cookies
I was running out of inspiration for this week I must admit. Well, that’s not totally true, I sadly have a notebook that’s half filled with ideas and things I want to do/ make at some point. But, you know, it’s kind of the baking equivalent of looking into your overflowing closet and declaring you […]

Fudge-ing the Truth…It’s Good For You!
June 14 , 2015 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy
Ah Fudge! Why do you taunt me so? You’re 100% sugar + other not so great for me things (it’s allowed to add up to more than 100% because fudge is more than 100% delicious. I don’t make the rules, I just follow ’em…sometimes 😉 ). I don’t know about you, but fudge is just […]

The Devil Wears Praline
June 07 , 2015 by Amber Trudeau - in Cake, Icing, Pudding/ Mousse
…and that’s why we’re all going to hell. Vile tempter. We all have Kevin to blame for this one (both the actual dessert, and I’m completely giving credit where it’s due for this deliciously punny headline as well – thanks Kevin!). We celebrated Kevin’s birthday last week, and as is my wont, I asked him […]
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