I feel guilty for this weeks pun I must admit. It’s totally just a well known and completely stolen joke. However it was so fitting I felt I had no choice. Although I suppose one could make the argument that that’s like a thief saying “That bank was just right there, it’s like they were asking […]
Archive: Mar 2016

Two Peanuts Walk Into a Bar. One Was Assaulted.
March 27 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Candy, Cookies

You Oat To Get On Making These
March 20 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars
I know, I know, you’re thinking “didn’t you just do some kind of oatmeal bar thing? Way to be original Amber. I thought I knew you, for shame. Tsk, tsk, tsk.” (And now you’re thinking “How is she such a magical, mystical mind reader??!! I better only think good thoughts about Amber, otherwise she might […]

House of Caramel: And So It Pecan Again
March 13 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars
I’ll just lay it out there for you straight up – I love oatmeal. I don’t think I’ve had a week (and even very few days if I’m being honest) in which oatmeal was not included as part of my breakfast since….I don’t know, probably since I discovered that the dreaded instant oatmeal packets (of which […]

Newly Minted, But Timelessly Delicious: Macarons Revisited
March 06 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies, Icing, Other Desserts
Ok, it’s been awhile (an incredibly long while I know), since my first attempt at macarons. Since that time, I have made the wonderful discovery of a new, ingenious way of creating vegan meringue. The reality is, I first read/ heard about this not that long after my first macaron attempt, but for some reason, I’ve […]
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