I thought that these whoopie pies looked the most visually festive so what better cookie to post for Christmas day? I know, I can’t believe I’m still on top of this and am actually posting on Christmas day either. Go me! #humblebrag (side note (warning!! loooonnnnggg side note 😉 ), I have no idea why I […]
Archive: Dec 2016

It’s The Most Whoopie Pie Time Of The Year
December 25 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Cake, Candy, Cookies, Icing

Oh Come All Ye Fudgeful
December 18 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy
The third time really was a charm with these. I almost quit after my first two attempts (of which there is no photographic evidence as I don’t think anyone needs to see my epic fails. I’m still telling you about it, but I have to draw the line somewhere 😉 Ok, that’s not even true really. […]

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Pinwheels
December 11 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies
See? What did I tell you? These Christmas puns are terrible 🙁 Now if I wasn’t going for a Christmas theme, I easily could’ve used something like “Pinwheels Keep on Turnin’, Cranberries Keep On Burnin’ ” , or possibly “Pinwheels of Fortune”. Instead though, we’re stuck with this. Look, we’re all suffering here, but let’s just […]

Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum Balls
December 04 , 2016 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy
FYI – the next month’s worth of posts will be Christmas related so rev your engines and hold onto your….reindeer…or…whatever. I’m also warning you in advance that these Christmas puns are particularly terrible and not in a good way, so I’m sorry for that in advance 🙂 Now, on with the post! Can you believe […]
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