Halloween! She has come around yet again with all of her terror, grisliness, phobias and of course, excuses for parties. Am I right? For me, the awesome-sauce element of this holiday is that, since I’m in the midst of Christmas baking (I know you don’t like the big “C” word this early in the season […]
Archive: Oct 2017

I’ve Got A Bone (Marrow Cookie) To Pick With You
October 29 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies

Smokey And The Bandwich Cookie
October 22 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies, Icing
I am definitely a person who has a not-so-secret love affair with liquid smoke. I don’t know what it is about it, but it makes me swoon rapturously, and I am admittedly pretty heavy handed with it if I’m making soups, stews or chilis (particularly if I won’t be foisting it upon other people. This […]

Ah Fudge, I’m Getting Too Oat(meal) For This S*#@
October 15 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Cookies
Because I love oatmeal in all of it’s various forms (well…I’m maybe not so big a fan of instant oatmeal I’ll admit. But I mean seriously people? Was this really a product that needed to get more convenient? I mean, you can cook quick oats in the microwave in like 2 minutes, and put on […]

The Fresh (Thumb)Prints Of Bel Air
October 08 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Candy, Cookies
Remember the Fresh Prince of Bel Air? I still know all the words to the theme song. Some might be embarrassed about that, but I wear it like a badge of pride. Remember the episode where they changed to a new Aunt Viv? I loved that they actually addressed the fact that she was new: […]

The Cashew And The Rye
October 01 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Cookies
Alternatively I had thought about making the title for this post (said as if you were about to sneeze) “Ca-shew! Ca-shew! Ca-shEEEEWWWWWWW!!!”. However, this would’ve been a reference to a certain family member who totally sneezes like this (although making the more traditional “Achoo” sound. They might be nuts, but they’re not that nuts 😉 […]
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