That’s a hard cookie name to pun on folks, let me tell you. Although it did bring me to the joy and hilarity that is Monte Python, so these cookies just clearly never stop giving 😉 . Depending on where you hail from, or which interwebs site you consult, I have seen these called Spanish […]
Archive: Jan 2018

Monte(Caos)-Python and The Search For The Holy Ghraiba
January 28 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies

Strut Your (Peanut Butter) Stuff(ing)
January 21 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies
I know you’re probably tired of seeing peanut butter posts from me, but you’re going to have to learn to live with it, because if you’ve learned anything yet from this blog, it’s that I love that crazy nut (it’s very a-peanut-ling 😉 Ugh, that was terrible, even for me), so if you hate it, […]

I Cran-Berry Believe How Much I’ve Fall-mond In Love With These
January 14 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Cookies
…or “Short(bread) Circuit” because technically these are supposed to be shortbread. However, I’m incredibly incredibly picky with what I deem shortbread, so, not sure really if it’s an appropriate title in this case, but I don’t care because honestly? In the words of Ned Flanders, they tasted rather scrum-diddly-umptious and I would totally make them again. […]

Planet Of The Grapes
January 07 , 2018 by Amber Trudeau - in Frozen, Other Desserts
Ok, so being the big liar that I am, I’m opting to do a “real” (aka what I’d actually intended to post last week) New Year’s post. It’s a week late technically, but if you really think about, today is actually my first post of 2018 so it’s really my first post of the New Year, so […]
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