Category Archive: Icing

Another recipe that was actually made a million years ago that I just never posted! Aren’t you excited??!! (why do I share this information with you? I should just be pretending that I made this mere moments ago and I’m so on the ball that I immediately had to post and share about it. This […]

Because roses are so cliché 😉 Out of control? What out of control? Having eighty thousand components to a dessert is what you always do too right? Of course you do. I actually felt a little guilty about this one. Kevin was super thankful for it and kept saying how guilty he felt that I’d gone […]

Yes I know, it’s been forever (I’m sure I’m the only one who’s noticed and that you’re now thinking to yourself “Has it? Hmmm…I suppose now that I think about it, there has been a bit less nonsense than usual in my life”). Basically, I’ve just given up on this once a week thing that I did […]

So, obviously a little late to the party here, but the end of Game of Thrones! How’re you’ll feeling about that? Sad to the extreme?: Tired of hearing everyone always talking about it, so secretly thrilled to pieces that people might finally stop shaming you for not watching it, but don’t want anyone to actually […]

What is a poke cake you ask? No, what you are thinking is 100% untrue, it is not in fact a cake created by children who simply stick their fingers into it. What kind of backroom chop shop do you think I’m running over here? Not that that would stop me from eating it of […]

I’m back with a vengeance!! Did y’all miss me? Basically, I’ve heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder so….presumably your hearts are all now filled with so much fondness you don’t even know what to do with yourself. Luckily, you may now lay down that oversized suitcase full of fondness that you’ve been carting […]

Or alternatively, “See My Zest? See My Zest? See My Zest?” Because who doesn’t love this Simpsons song? (I just couldn’t let that slide…although now that song is totally stuck in my head so possibly not worth it? No, that’s a lie, I always find that song awesome 😉 ). Technically though, I think this […]

This would actually be a useful skill if by “Pepper” we were referencing Iron Man’s Pepper Potts. Having a bit of pull over a super hero seems like a useful tool to have in your back pocket 😉 . With these treats, I opted to go even more “super” crazy and make them gluten free […]

No, not Ritz crackers (although I suppose crackers could be used with the sweet dip that I made to go along with these cookies). Think of “Ritz” in this situation as more referencing highfalutin and fancy (what? You don’t think that mini chocolate chip pudding cookies served with sprinkle laden unicorn dip isn’t fancy? That they wouldn’t […]

About Amber

Amber Profile

Hi, I'm Amber Trudeau.  I bake.... a lot.

I'm also vegan, and found that whenever I went out to a restaurant my dessert choices were limited to sorbet, sorbet, and sorbet.  So I started making my own desserts. I wanted them to taste good though - so my ultimatum was to make delicious desserts that also happen to be dairy-free and egg-free. Every week or so, I challenge myself to try something new.  To recreate some kind of traditional dessert that tastes amazing without using animal products.

Have a challenge for me? Send me a note:


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