Tag Archive: brownies

Because roses are so cliché 😉 Out of control? What out of control? Having eighty thousand components to a dessert is what you always do too right? Of course you do. I actually felt a little guilty about this one. Kevin was super thankful for it and kept saying how guilty he felt that I’d gone […]

Yes I know, it’s been forever (I’m sure I’m the only one who’s noticed and that you’re now thinking to yourself “Has it? Hmmm…I suppose now that I think about it, there has been a bit less nonsense than usual in my life”). Basically, I’ve just given up on this once a week thing that I did […]

Baklava brownies!!!! For those times when you can’t decide if you want crispy and nutty or rich and fudgy. Now you could just eat both things, or stack them one on top of each other after purchasing from various bakery locations. Or, if you’re some kind of crazy billionaire and also want to be super over-the-top, […]

What is a poke cake you ask? No, what you are thinking is 100% untrue, it is not in fact a cake created by children who simply stick their fingers into it. What kind of backroom chop shop do you think I’m running over here? Not that that would stop me from eating it of […]

These were not in any way what I had originally intended to make. I was weirdly thinking about bananas, so that part still came to fruitition (get it? FRUITition? Waka wakka waka. You know you love it 😉 ), but I was actually initially intending some kind of banana bread-esque thing with icing. But then […]

I am super in love with these. I know you probably have just stopped believing me on that front by now because I say it so often it’s lost all meaning. However, I don’t understand what’s not to like here. This week I’m actually incorporating two different condiments. Double the chance for disaster? Of course. But, despite […]

A Boy Named Tiramisu

December 31 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Candy

I mean, who wouldn’t want that for a name? Oh Johnny Cash, things could’ve been so different for your titular song character if only a “Tira-” had been added to his name. There’s a reason people always nickname their loved ones after delicious treats (Sweetie Pie, Sugar, Honey, Babe….uh…that last one might mean your loved one […]

Deep Space Wine

December 03 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Brownies, Cake, Cupcakes, Icing

Let’s pretend we’re classy here for a week OK? OK. How do we do that you ask? I think if you douse anything in enough wine (provided you don’t tell anyone it came from a box), only a fool would think it hadn’t become a little more artsy and high brow. Now I know I’ve […]

Because I love oatmeal in all of it’s various forms (well…I’m maybe not so big a fan of instant oatmeal I’ll admit. But I mean seriously people? Was this really a product that needed to get more convenient? I mean, you can cook quick oats in the microwave in like 2 minutes, and put on […]

About Amber

Amber Profile

Hi, I'm Amber Trudeau.  I bake.... a lot.

I'm also vegan, and found that whenever I went out to a restaurant my dessert choices were limited to sorbet, sorbet, and sorbet.  So I started making my own desserts. I wanted them to taste good though - so my ultimatum was to make delicious desserts that also happen to be dairy-free and egg-free. Every week or so, I challenge myself to try something new.  To recreate some kind of traditional dessert that tastes amazing without using animal products.

Have a challenge for me? Send me a note:


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