
THEMED MONTH!!!! I’m super excited about it because there is just so so much potential for disaster here. What can I say? I just love livin’ on the edge like that (which then reminded of that Aerosmith song. I ❤ the teenage nostalgia of that tune). To get you in the mood for this month, I […]

That’s a hard cookie name to pun on folks, let me tell you. Although it did bring me to the joy and hilarity that is Monte Python, so these cookies just clearly never stop giving 😉 . Depending on where you hail from, or which interwebs site you consult, I have seen these called Spanish […]

I know you’re probably tired of seeing peanut butter posts from me, but you’re going to have to learn to live with it, because if you’ve learned anything yet from this blog, it’s that I love that crazy nut (it’s very a-peanut-ling 😉 Ugh, that was terrible, even for me), so if you hate it, […]

…or “Short(bread) Circuit” because technically these are supposed to be shortbread. However, I’m incredibly incredibly picky with what I deem shortbread, so, not sure really if it’s an appropriate title in this case, but I don’t care because honestly? In the words of Ned Flanders, they tasted rather scrum-diddly-umptious and I would totally make them again. […]

Ok, so being the big liar that I am, I’m opting to do a “real” (aka what I’d actually intended to post last week) New Year’s post. It’s a week late technically, but if you really think about, today is actually my first post of 2018 so it’s really my first post of the New Year, so […]

A Boy Named Tiramisu

December 31 , 2017 by Amber Trudeau - in Bars, Candy

I mean, who wouldn’t want that for a name? Oh Johnny Cash, things could’ve been so different for your titular song character if only a “Tira-” had been added to his name. There’s a reason people always nickname their loved ones after delicious treats (Sweetie Pie, Sugar, Honey, Babe….uh…that last one might mean your loved one […]

I’m here to completely blow your mind people. It’s the 11th hour, you suddenly realize you have a myriad of guests coming over, and with all of your holiday preparations, somehow you completely missed baking cookies (or perhaps you did bake them, but the stress of the season caused you to consume them all. Or your […]

With the release of the most recent Star Wars movie, I thought I’d pay hômage to the overall cannon of celestial movies and crank out this epic, Russian-doll style peanut butter ball. That’s right people, this is a peanut butter ball, inside of a peanut butter ball, inside of another peanut butter ball, and all surrounded […]

I totally haven’t even read this book, and its topic seems a little too serious-sauce for my usual attempts at whimsy, but I loved how much the name fit, so deal with it 😉  (my alternative name was “Magic (Bar) Mike” Thoughts? Feel free to vote on a preference, being sure to indicate how awesome […]

About Amber

Amber Profile

Hi, I'm Amber Trudeau.  I bake.... a lot.

I'm also vegan, and found that whenever I went out to a restaurant my dessert choices were limited to sorbet, sorbet, and sorbet.  So I started making my own desserts. I wanted them to taste good though - so my ultimatum was to make delicious desserts that also happen to be dairy-free and egg-free. Every week or so, I challenge myself to try something new.  To recreate some kind of traditional dessert that tastes amazing without using animal products.

Have a challenge for me? Send me a note:


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