Category Archive: Bread

Peanut butter and banana. I  know it’s only been 5 seconds since I did a post about that particular flavour combination, but I liked it so much, I felt it needed to be incorporated into something else. Also, Kevin really liked the banana filling from my knock-off nutter butters from the other week and told […]

It’s the final week! I know, I’m sad too. But don’t let it get you down. If you’re feeling blue, this recipe will take those blues and turn them into berries. Delicious delicious, east-coasty berries. This week, in an hômage to the maritime provinces, I bring you the blueberry grunt. I had technically never hear […]

We’ve made it! It’s the final week for game of scones 😉 . For this final huzzah, I’m bringing you the second savoury scone. Please don’t get angry with me for this. There will be peanut butter, and crusty scones, and spiciness (you know, to spice up your life à la Spice Girls. Oh the […]

So I have about a million apples in my fridge, so apple cinnamon scones definitely seemed like a way to go. To amp these up a little though, I added a whole whack of your traditional chai spice spices as well and thus we have some delectable Glazed Apple Chai Scones. Oh the memories. Anywho, […]

Terrible, terrible pun. It works for both what I made this week and as a description of the trouble I was having coming up with a pun. However, for those of you who were up in arms last week waving around your fiery pitchforks in protest over how a savoury, olive-studded baked good made it’s […]

This was originally intended to be a one off post for scones. My decision making abilities being absolute nil however “forced” me to turn this into a themed month. What could I do? You see, I’ve never made scones in my life (and though I find them absolutely delicious, I’ve only even eaten them a […]

I hope you’re not the kind of person who has completely despised my random themed months, because we arrive at yet another one! Aren’t you excited???!!! I can practically feel your heart racing in anticipation from here (either that or you just drank too much caffeine this morning 😉 ). Either way, I won’t keep […]

Well colour me embarrassed. After going on that ridiculously long rant the other week about muffins and how ridiculous they are, we now find ourselves with another muffin post (*blush*). I have no real defence except that making those blueberry oregano muffins reminded me of an old recipe I used to like as a kid […]

We made it! Although a pretty big part of me is sad as well. I’m happy to move on from herbs (no offence intended to any Herbs out there. I’m sure you’re great). I do feel like I learned a fair bit doing it though, so definitely not a loss, but the end of herb […]

About Amber

Amber Profile

Hi, I'm Amber Trudeau.  I bake.... a lot.

I'm also vegan, and found that whenever I went out to a restaurant my dessert choices were limited to sorbet, sorbet, and sorbet.  So I started making my own desserts. I wanted them to taste good though - so my ultimatum was to make delicious desserts that also happen to be dairy-free and egg-free. Every week or so, I challenge myself to try something new.  To recreate some kind of traditional dessert that tastes amazing without using animal products.

Have a challenge for me? Send me a note:


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